Infrastructure, Planning & Environment

Grade B

$59,828 to $69,400 pa + 11.5% employer contribution to superannuation

Leading Hand Natural Areas Wagirra

Permeant Full Time


This position is required to provide maintenance assistance and undertake labouring works within the Wagirra and Natural Areas Teams and other areas across the City Landscapes portfolio as required.


  • To assist in the development and maintenance of Wagirra and Natural Areas projects by providing knowledge and demonstrated skills in civil construction, conservation and land management and maintenance activities including revegetation, weed control, concreting, earthworks, trail construction and general maintenance of natural areas.
  • To assist in the maintenance and planting of revegetation areas.
  • Assist in development and environmental restoration projects across the city’s natural areas, reserves and landscapes.
  • Use all plant and equipment in a safe and competent manner.
  • Ensure all routine maintenance to plant and equipment is carried out.
  • Use relevant skills to assist other areas across AlburyCity when required.
  • Perform other tasks or duties as directed by the Supervisor which are within the limits of the employee’s skill, competence and training.
  • Observe requirements of the WHS Legislation, relevant to the job and adhere to AlburyCity Policies and Procedures regarding WHS.
  • Observe appropriate AlburyCity Policies and Procedures regarding day to day operations including Equal Employment Opportunity policies, AlburyCity’s Dress Code and Standards Policy and AlburyCity’s Code of Conduct.


Our Organisation:  We are the facilitator of a thriving, resilient and liveable city full of opportunities and the custodians of an environment like no other. We consistently deliver best-in-class leadership, services, facilities and experiences, providing exceptional living for our local community.

Our Values: We are a values driven organisation and these underpin everything we do.

  • Working Together: I respect, listen to and value the contributions of others and celebrate our achievements.
  • Integrity: I am trustworthy, honest, accountable, open and consistent in all that I do.
  • Courage and Passion: I am enthusiastic and have the confidence to speak up for the betterment of AlburyCity.
  • Innovation: I seek to increase my knowledge through new ideas and continuous improvement.
  • Loyalty: I am supportive of others and committed to AlburyCity and the community.

Live Well Work Well: The health and safety of our people is more than a priority, it’s a commitment embedded within our values. Unlike priorities which change over time, our values form the basis for all that we do; they define our purpose and what we stand for. We seek to have a positive impact by developing a holistic wellbeing culture that empowers everyone to be their healthiest and happiest version, resulting in a more engaged and productive workforce with lower incidence of illness and injury.

It is, and always will be, our goal to have a workplace free from harm.

Two Cities One Community: On 13 October 2017 AlburyCity and The City of Wodonga entered into an historic partnership between the two cities. In August 2022 both Councils worked together to review and re-commit to the Partnership Agreement.

This partnership is a unique opportunity to develop a way forward that benefits our community as a whole with the aim of improving integration, productivity and social and economic development. It will focus on future growth that will continue to add value to both cities. Through this combined focus, underpinned by four key pillars of; leadership, economy, environment and community, we will unleash our potential and drive innovation for the benefit of the region and the nation.

Our Mission is to work together to achieve our community goals now and into the future. We understand that we are stronger together and can achieve more when working in collaboration. We will build on our current partnerships and shared values for thebetterment of Albury and Wodonga.

Child Safety: AlburyCity is committed to being a child safe organisation and our people support, listen to and empower children and young people. We create safe environments that minimise the risk of harm and we have ZERO tolerance for child abuse, violence and neglect.


$59,828 to $69,400

Yearly based


Albury City Council,New South Wales,Australia

Job Overview
Job Posted:
5 months ago
Job Type
Full Time
Total Vacancies

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Albury City Council,New South Wales,Australia